Mysti Guides Theme
  • 01 - Quick Start


    Like most projects there are some things needed before you can use it.

    • Hugo Extended (extended edition, v0.117.0 or later)
      • Check with hugo version
    • Git
    • Go (if using Hugo modules)

    Create A Site

    As Hugo Module

    hugo new site quickstart
    cd quickstart
    hugo mod init<your_user>/<your_project>
    echo "theme = ['']" >> hugo.toml

    Git Submodule

    hugo new site quickstart
    cd quickstart
    git init
    git submodule add themes/mysti-guides
    echo "theme = ['mysti-guides']" >> hugo.toml

    Adding Content

    By default “Mysti Guides” uses different directory names for different content types. Anything not in these directories will just use a default theme suitable for generic content. The formats is shown below:

    • blog
      • allows you to make a blog
    • docs
      • make some documentation for your project